Friday, February 18, 2011

What do you hate about fantasy football keeper leagues?

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by Marko_K

Question by jbrandtc: What do you hate about fantasy football keeper leagues?

After running for more than a decade, our league is switching over to a keeper league. Wanting to learn from your experiences and ensure a smooth transition, we want to know what you hate about keeper leagues.

Check my other questions for related topics to fantasy football keeper leagues.

Best answer:

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Answer by Jeff
I like playing in reg. AND keeper leagues. Variety is great. If I had to choose I would go w/ the keepers tho. The only thing I hate would be if I drafted poorly the first year. (I didn't: I got Owens and Tomlinson 7 years ago!) Going for my 5th straight championship!

Add your own answer in the comments!

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