An Introduction to Animal Behaviour
An Introduction to Animal Behaviour

Using its powerful beak, a lorikeet gently preens its mate's feathers; young cheetahs rest together in the shade; fireflies semaphore to each other across a darkened landscape and a mongoose deftly bites its prey to death. The study of animal behavior is about all these things and more. It involves absolute stillness and violent activity, all the noises and smells and changes of color and shape that characterize animal life. Taking the organization of behavior within the individual animal as its core, this clear, concise and readable foray into the fascinating world of animal behavior investigates Tinbergen's questions of causation, evolution, development and function. It provides lucid accounts of all levels of behavior from the nerve cell to that of the population. The broad biological approach of this new, rewritten edition makes it an excellent choice for all students of animal behavior and psychology and their teachers.

List Price: $ 76.00
Price: $ 50.99
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